Sunday, October 11, 2009

1985-03-21 Industrial Strength Music

Look into my eyes, you're now under my spell...Image by snaps_at_aquastuff via Flickr

I did an extended late night radio show and featured not only music I had collected but some very interesting music from the vast collection of Arthur Nalis, a music collector introduced to me by Kell Fox (aka Dave Fox back then). It was a real eye-opener. Not for the squeamish or prudish.

Music included: Women of the SS, the Residents. Legendary Pink Dots, Coil, Dave Ball, Wire, Sonic Youth, Cabaret Voltaire, Zazou Bikaye CY1, Nurse with Wound, Monte Cazazza, Aksak Maboul, Anna Domino, Colin Newman, Chrome, Throbbing Gristle, Test Department, (end part 1) Non (Boyd Rice), Tuxedo Moon, SPK, Whitehouse, After Dinner, Per Ubu, (end of part two) Sonic Youth, Bloodfeast soundtrack, Einsturzende Neubauten, Birthday Party, Kill Ugly Pop, Chrome, Anna Domino, Jon Zaleka, Boyd Rice & Frank Tovey, Steven Brown, Wahaha, DNA (end of part three) not sure about the music from this part because no play list was read, but I recognize Legendary Pink Dots, Blaine L. Reininger, Psychic TV, and of course throughout there was a lot more.

Get all of the parts. Right click to download, click to listen right away:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
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Saturday, October 10, 2009

1985-03-20 Alternative Dance Sample

Robo Groov'nImage by Darin Barry via Flickr

A great version of "Sister Susan's Astronautica" leads off this show. She did it live in the studio for once. This is 1985 and dance music is just starting to rise in a serious way, and the electronic dance beat is really catching hold. Here are some examples of things that are more (or less) alternative.

Music includes: Cabaret Voltaire (old and new), Stephen Nestor & Slap, Michael Rouse, Andromeda Strain, John Adams, Diamanda Galas, Ray Budegeig, Brian Eno & Harold Budd, Propaganda and a lot more.

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1985-02-20 Cold and Hard

Laurie AndersonLaurie Anderson via

Not cold and hard in the musical way that I would use it ten years later, but this is the mid-1980's version. Rather eclectic given the theme.

Music included: Edgar Froese, Jane & Jeff Hudson, Dark Day, Fred Frith, John Feckner & the City Squad, Laurie Anderson, Great Society, Section 25, Mitchell Froom, Tangerine Dream, Pink Floyd, Birdsongs of the Mesazoic, Brian Eno, Weather Report, King Crimson, Stranglers, Robert Fripp, Propaganda and a lot more.

Get both parts. Right click to download, click to listen right away:
Part One
Part Two

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1985-01-04 Time

squared circles - ClocksImage by Leo Reynolds via Flickr

This is a three hour installment of "Party Radio," a weekly show on WRUV-FM that people sign up for and do the 8-11 PM Friday night party thing.

I put together a stream of musical and sound increments that related (in some sort of loose way) to the concept of time. It was a lot of fun and people called in and seemed to enjoy it. Lots of requests. Oldies seemed to dominate, but even in 1984 I was an oldie in these parts.

Music included: Doctor Who Theme, a lot of sound effects from my vast collection, Pink Floyd, Chambers Brothers, Chicago, David Bowie, Yes, Association, Beatles, Al Stewart, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones, The Who, Moody Blues, Crazy Joe & the Variable Speed Band, Wilson Pickett, Oliver, Los Microwaves, Young Rascals, Vogues, Lovin Spoonful, Motels, Soundtrack from Rocky Horror, the Doors, Nina Hagen, Translator, Angela Clemons, Genesis, Guess Who, Radio Alarm Clocks, Carole King, Ray Charles and a lot more.

Get both parts. Right click to download, click to listen right away:
Part One
Part Two
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1984-12-19 The Last Word

Apocalypse collageImage by adriansalamandre via Flickr

It is dark in the studio and apparently also in my mind. Reagan's jokes about nuclear war, songs about apocalypse, an endless stream of evil in the news media, all of these produced the following radio program. Of course, even though the snow continued falling, the mood lightened a bit. Hope always remains.

Music included: Propaganda, the Doors, Afrika Baambata (Timezone), the World, CS Angels, Bonzo Goes to Washington, Air Force 1, New Order, Short Term Memory, Birdsongs of the Mesozoic, Sound Effects of Doctor Who, Thick Pigeon, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Soma Holiday, the Pool, Summers & Fripp, Arto Lindsey, Rebi Jackson, and a lot more.

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